"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/header.php"; ?> RSS feed

Mastering Science

This blog tries to document the writing of my master's thesis miscellaneous events in my life, updated whenever I happen to feel like writing.

As the "blogging system" is a quick PHP hack I did in about 10 minutes, there is no public commenting system available. Feel free to drop me an e-mail or holler on IRC (Samwise@IRCnet) if you feel like it! :)

Showing archive $subdir. Back to main\n"); } $documents = ss_scandir($directory); $archive_dirs = array(); if($documents) { foreach($documents as $doc) { $file = $directory . "/" . $doc['name']; if(is_dir($file)) { if($file != '.' || $file != '..') { $archive_dirs[] = $doc; } continue; } $subject=preg_replace('/(.*)\.html$/', '\1', $doc['name']); $subject=strtr($subject, '_', ' '); printf(""); printf("
\n"); printf("
%s", date("Ymd - Hi", $doc['mtime']), $subject); if($doc['ctime'] != $doc['mtime']) { // printf(" - Updated: " . date("Ymd - Hi", $doc['ctime'] . "\n")); } printf("
\n"); include $file; printf("
\n"); } if(count($archive_dirs)>0) { printf("Archived entries:
\n"); foreach($archive_dirs as $dir) { printf("".$dir['name'] . "\n"); } } } else { printf("No entries found!\n"); } ?>